A compliment is a verbal expression of appreciation or admiration. It is positive feedback that can have a significant impact on one’s self-esteem and self-confidence. Receiving compliments can boost one’s mood and make him or her feel good about him or herself. But, many people struggle with how to respond to a compliment? Don’t worry, we’ve got you!
Impact Of Compliments On Your Personality

Compliment consists of a few words of praise, but you will be surprised by how much it affects your brain and personality. There is a complete science behind it.
While the impact of compliments on one’s personality is generally positive,
Overall, compliments are a positive way to interact with others and can significantly impact one’s personality. If given sincerely and in moderation, compliments can boost one’s self-esteem and make him. we can summarize the impact of receiving compliments in the following ways
- It enhances your confidence and self-esteem
- It gives you the feeling of being worthy.
- Compliments that appreciate your efforts make you motivated to achieve more milestones.
- It contributes to increasing your willpower
- It also improves the ability to make decisions
Do you Find It Difficult To Accept Compliments?
Generally, compliments make people more confident and boost their self-esteem. It makes them feel worthy enough and motivates them to proceed with their life with positive energy. Extroverts love to receive and give compliments. But when it comes to introvert and ambivert personalities, the situation changes slightly.
For introverted people, it is difficult to accept compliments, especially when it comes from strangers or a person with whom they have less interaction.
Ambivert is those selectively social people who barely open themselves to the people who match their vibes. They also feel it difficult to respond to compliments.
Well, there is no hard and fast rule. Anyone can be stuck in a situation where he must pause for a second to think about how he should reply to this compliment and what tone is best. It mostly happens at your workplace when your seniors or managers praise you, and you have to accept it professionally.
Why do Compliments Make You Feel Bad?
It is important to note that too much of anything can be bad. When compliments are given excessively or without sincerity, they can lose their impact and even become irritating. In addition, some people may feel that they are insincere when they receive compliments, which can lead to discomfort.
Why Should You Learn to Accept Compliments Gracefully?
Your response to any situation or action is the key element that reflects your personality traits. Suppose you meet someone for the first time and act dumb Does it sounds cool? Of course, NO.
This is the reason that you must learn how to accept compliments and show with your words that you are accepting them as a goodwill gesture.
Things To Keep in Mind… Do And Don’ts

While responding to a compliment, you must keep these four important points in your mind.
Keep your approach Straight.
It’s usually advised to respond directly to a compliment. Whatever you want to communicate, be sure to say it clearly and concisely. You must remember that vocal fillers like “um” and “uh” should be avoided because they can sound mocking or insincere.
Do not hesitate to maintain eye contact
When responding to a compliment, one must look directly into the recipient’s eyes. It appears kind, and the other person gets the impression that you accepted the compliment politely and are proud of yourself.
Show Confidence
Always be confident when responding to the complimenter. You’ll come across as someone who is accustomed to compliments. This self-assured attitude will boost your self-esteem and lessen the possibility of awkwardness, which could make the person who is complimenting you uncomfortable.
Select nice words
It is essential to choose your words carefully since they have power. It creates a powerful link that you can appreciate forever and leaves a lasting impression on the recipient’s mind.
Avoid Showing Pride
You need to practice staying humble and kind (without getting nervous) and not exhibiting any kind of pride after receiving any compliment like an evil smile (oh, I already know I am the best) or any sarcastic gesture. It will decrease the charm of your personality and makes the compliment giver feel bad. Here you must remember that pride has a fall, so act sober and elegant.
4 Graceful Ways How To Respond To A Compliment

Here are the four sentences that help you to respond to the compliment gracefully
- “Thank you so much; coming from you is great.”
- “I, too, believe you’re wonderful,”
- “Amazing; I share your admiration for this aspect of your personality.
- “Thank you; that’s extremely kind of you to say.”
In NutShell
Compliments are a source of joy for everyone. It is the sort of connection that is enriched with positivity and acknowledgment. A small compliment at the end of the day will definitely change the whole scenario. The way you receive and respond to compliments reveals a lot about your personality. So it is important to show your response with grace after receiving compliments from your friends, family, colleagues, and partner.
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